I went to get my hair done yesterday because, well, I haven't been back to get my roots done since early January and it was definitely time. The chick I usually go to, Claudia, has been out of town for the past week, so I thought, eh, screw it, I'll just go see someone else. Bad idea.
The girl, Melany, seemed nice enough. She looked about my age, pretty and very smiley. Cool, this could work. I sat down and explained to her what I wanted. Needless to say, my hair looks EXACTLY the same as it did before. My roots are still my natural color, wtf?!? She left the color in for about 15 mins, maybe that's why. So I have to go back and get it fixed. Ugh.
But that's not the funny part: she starts talking to me about her son...
"What's his name?" I asked.
"Abdullah" she says. Abdullah? Hmmm, ok, obviously the dad is Arabic, whatever.
"What does it mean?" I asked.
"Well, his Dad is from India. But he doesn't like to be called Abdullah. He likes to be called 'Peter'".
"Oh, that's his middle name?"
"No, his middle name is Gabriel"
"Oh, where does 'Peter' come from, then?"
"I don't know. He just came up with it, so I call him that."