Saturday, March 21, 2009

I have no clue

Is it better to stick to your guns and refuse to speak to someone that you work with because you know they're a shitty friend, or just bite the bullet and decide to get along, even though you're faking it, to avoid drama?

I don't know. No, I do know. It's better to forgive, but I definitely can't forget. And I just realized I wrote "guns" and "bullet" in two different sayings. Wow, I'm a nerd.


  1. I like your nerdy side. Here's what I would do...only talk to that person about work related shit. Bite the bullet enough to just be able to get along at work...but it will be clear to that person that you don't want to be friends with them outside of work. Put some space in there.

  2. Good call, mang.

    And I'm glad you like my nerdy side. I'm pretty much a big dork when you think about it: I love video games, downloading music & twilight. Ha!
