Let me explain why, I think, this game SUCKED.
1) It was too short! There were only 7 levels, and some of them lasted for all of 10 or 20 mins!
2) Not very challenging. Sure, there were some semi-difficult puzzles to solve, and trying to figure out how the hell to get down to ground level in Thailand or get up to a higher level in Southern Mexico weren't exactly easy, but there were hardly any enemies at all! And the ending was a JOKE. What happened to killing a bad guy at the end of each level? I barely had to do anything but pull out a couple of pins in order to have a structure fall down at the very end. And that was it.
3) Way too many cinematic-cut-aways. A couple here or there are cool, and at least in Anniversary they were interactive (you had to press the "X" or "O" or whatever quickly and Lara would react). Nothing like that here.
4) You guys made me feel like crap for having a PS2. Guess what? A lot of people still do! That's no reason to leave out levels! If I had a Wii, PS3 or Xbox, the game would have been longer. You guys suck!
5) Too many bugs. At one point, I couldn't even jump through a tunnel like I was supposed to because Lara thought it was a wall. And the controls weren't as sensitive as in other games. When hanging from a ledge and pressing the triangle key repeatedly, Lara should move quickly. Instead, she wouldn't respond at all sometimes, which got to be pretty frustrating.
6) Why the hell does the camera pull back so much? I couldn't see what was in front or behind me because I couldn't control the camera! Aghhh!
And that's all I have to say about that. I can't believe I finished the game that quickly...not worth it at all.
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