Hey there. . . I stumbled across your blog on wordpress when it told me that my username had been used already.
That's never happened in the 10 years I've been using this handle.
of coarse I don't mind, it's not like I own it or anything, but I was wondering if I could take that wordpress handle from you seeing as how you are not using it anymore.
send me an email! pocket.buddha [at] gmail [dot] com.
I like: music, the Gulf, good movies, running, learning new languages, traveling, prank phone calls, vodka, Chinese restaurants that deliver, Pinot Noir, shabby chic stuff, Diego Rivera, candles, incense, reading & the way it feels when you take a shower after you've been at the beach all day.
Hey there. . . I stumbled across your blog on wordpress when it told me that my username had been used already.
ReplyDeleteThat's never happened in the 10 years I've been using this handle.
of coarse I don't mind, it's not like I own it or anything, but I was wondering if I could take that wordpress handle from you seeing as how you are not using it anymore.
send me an email! pocket.buddha [at] gmail [dot] com.