Thursday, April 9, 2009

I'm over it

I was texting my BFFF, Angie, and she was saying how she's gonna delete the majority of her friends on Facebook, leaving only the people that really matter on there. So, that should bring it down to about 9, she said. This got me thinking..I actually enjoy Facebook, but you know what I hate?


Fucking. Hate. It.

I log on every now and then just to check some stupid comment someone left, but otherwise I could care less about it. So, screw it, I decided I'm gonna delete it. Which got me thinking about something else: I'm OLD! Holy crap, when did Myspace start to seem like something only 13-year-olds and pedophiles use? It has this, I dunno, dirty feel to it, and I'm sick of it. I don't like the majority of my "friends" on there, anyway, so who's really gonna care if I get rid of it?

On a totally unrelated note, I just ate a popcorn-flavored jellybean and I think I'm gonna throw up. So foul. So, so foul.

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